It's about this time of year, when I start to think, maybe me and Tim Burton aren't so different after all. The thing is, I had never had even a single inkling of combining holidays, but the moment I saw him do it, I had a sensation of AH-HA!!! He's a creative genius in another league, but in some ways I feel he's kind of a kindred spirit--a man who sees that color and darkness can go hand-in-hand.
That's one of the reasons I think I enjoy his movie, "The Nightmare Before Christmas," so much. I enjoyed it so much that I wrote a review of the movie on Squidoo. If you want, please take a look at my take on how Tim Burton Mashes Holidays.
However, in the spirit of this 'tween holiday, that's not all I did to honor the movie. Being that I love to draw, I also wrote a number of How-Tos on how to draw four of the main characters from the movie, in another Squidoo article. If you'd like, please take a look at How To Draw Nightmare Before Christmas Characters. The four characters include Jack Skellington, Zero, Oogie-Boogie and Sally. I also went so far as to draw up my own holiday poster to demonstrate.
First, just the pencil
Second, in color

Otherwise, all of my art is also available on my DeviantArt page, where you can also purchase anything you like as a print. Check it out, take a note, and let me know in the comments what you think. Thanks so much!