Friday, August 15, 2014

It's Almost the End of Summer, Y'all!!!

End of Summer
End Of Summer
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by carina
Welcome to the end of summer!

It's crazy, right?  One minute, we're buying a new bathing suit, making sure there's enough sunscreen, and all of a sudden, WHAM!!!  And it's back to school.  Kind of leaves me feeling a little in the dust.

Anyway, I guess the big news is, Squidoo is going under.  You know, the place I've been writing articles for since last February.  Seems, they've sold out to their competitor, HubPages.  You can read all about the move, at Squidoo and HubPages.

I've gone ahead and created myself an account over there, and all of my Squidoo articles are supposed to move over flawlessly, but we'll see.  You can find me there, at boneworld on HubPages.

Naia From Strange Frame
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by GB
In the mean time, I have been doing some good stuff.  I recently saw an amazing animated movie, called Strange Frame, and boy was it strange all right.  You can read my review of it at Take a Chance One Strange Frame -- a Different Kind of Love Story.

Strange Frame is a Sci-Fi Jazzy lesbian love story, that follows two star-crossed lovers through riot filled streets, and a corrupt dystopian future on the moons of Jupiter, where people are augmented for servitude, and used for force labor.  It's quite a romp.

I've been drawing quite a bit, and I have a number of things nearly ready, but much of it is still in that, I just want to touch it up stage, that things never seem to get out of for me.  I did draw another concept for Sword Six.  I put it out on my DeviantArt gallery.  You can check that out here, at Sword Six Concept.

It's just a sketch, but I like the way it came out.

Other than that, there's not much else to tell, so have a great rest of the summer everyone.  And leave me a comment if there's anything you want to see.

Wave Bye To Summer
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Alex Dram
Thanks for stopping by.