Monday, December 22, 2014

Tis the Season, and Fallah, Lallah, Lah

'Tis the Season
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Fausto Hernandez
'Tis the season, and all that junk, and with that I just wanted to hit everyone up, and see how the year's been going, as it's almost over.

I mean come on. It's just about Christmas, and the cheer is in the air. What's everyone getting this year?  Has everyone been good, or very VERY NAUGHTY?


Bone Cycle
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Jeff Holter
I know you've been terrible this year, just like me.  But ya know what's cool about Christmas?  Each year, after Christmas, comes New Years Day, and we all get to start over.  You know what I'm saying.  So, enjoy the debauchery.

With that in mind, I wanted to let everyone know about a couple great places I found to watch my favorite anime.

Otaku Streamers 
This is pretty much the Wikipedia of anime.  It's got everything.  It's easy to get lost there, so it's kind of aptly named..

My Hentai TV
This is a little different.  It's not your average anime.  This is the adult stuff, so, as I said above.  Enjoy the debauchery.  See what I did there?

And while you're at it, enjoy this stunning video of the WWE's Nicki Bella, as she perfectly executes her back-side spin move.  Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Moving On Up, and Junk!!!

Ms. Captain America
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Nathan Rupert
It's come to my attention that I've been living under a rock lately.  Not literally, but I'm definitely out of the loop.  For one thing.  I used to be a big writer for the online blogging community Squidoo, but now, as it is, that no longer exists.

WHAT!!!  WHAT YOU SAY?!?  Yes, it's true, Squidoo is no more.

Squidoo was bought out by, HubPages, its closest competitor, and I am now a writer for them.  Hey, what do you know!

Photo Credit: FLickr Creative Commons License by Sharon
HubPages is fairly similar to Squidoo, in that it allows almost anyone to sign up for an account, and begin writing articles right away.  The only difference that I can see, is that they have a few more rules concerning Amazon links, and to earn money, you have to have your own Adsense account.

I guess, in a way, that puts the ownership of quality on the writers, rather than the editors.

Anyway, that's fine.  I don't much care where I get to write, as long as I get to keep doing it.

Actually, I was lying about being under a rock.  I knew it was all happening, several weeks ago, and I've been preparing for the move.  I just kind of placed myself under a rock until the dust settled, that's all.

Sword Six Concept
Sword Six Concept
Anyway, I haven't been concentrating on my writing, lately, and instead, I've been able to concentrate on what I really love, and that's on drawing.  The first thing I did, was a concept sketch of Sword Six.  Check out my DeviantArt Gallery for a better look at it.

I'm really happy with how it came out, not just by the standard stance, but I've been studying a lot of manga and anime lately, and I decided to change up his armor, and I put a lot into the horse tail from the back of his mask.  I think it came out great.

The second big thing I did, was my first big animation effort.  It an animated short of my newest character, named "Coot."  He's a pervy old man who can't be bothered by the rest of the world, unless that involves some young girl in a short skirt.

Please check out the animation, and let me know what you think.

I'm proud of the animation, because it's my first, but more importantly, I did it all with freeware applications, such as InkScape, Synfig Studios and Audacity.  So, I'm extra special proud of all the work I put in.  It took several weeks from story-boarding to finally uploading it to YouTube.

Suicide Girl
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Suicide Girls
I have a few ideas for my next animated adventures, but I'm not exactly sure where I'll go from here.  I'll just have to wing it.

So, hey, why not just subscribe to my YouTube Channel, to make sure you get the latest updates.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's Almost the End of Summer, Y'all!!!

End of Summer
End Of Summer
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by carina
Welcome to the end of summer!

It's crazy, right?  One minute, we're buying a new bathing suit, making sure there's enough sunscreen, and all of a sudden, WHAM!!!  And it's back to school.  Kind of leaves me feeling a little in the dust.

Anyway, I guess the big news is, Squidoo is going under.  You know, the place I've been writing articles for since last February.  Seems, they've sold out to their competitor, HubPages.  You can read all about the move, at Squidoo and HubPages.

I've gone ahead and created myself an account over there, and all of my Squidoo articles are supposed to move over flawlessly, but we'll see.  You can find me there, at boneworld on HubPages.

Naia From Strange Frame
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by GB
In the mean time, I have been doing some good stuff.  I recently saw an amazing animated movie, called Strange Frame, and boy was it strange all right.  You can read my review of it at Take a Chance One Strange Frame -- a Different Kind of Love Story.

Strange Frame is a Sci-Fi Jazzy lesbian love story, that follows two star-crossed lovers through riot filled streets, and a corrupt dystopian future on the moons of Jupiter, where people are augmented for servitude, and used for force labor.  It's quite a romp.

I've been drawing quite a bit, and I have a number of things nearly ready, but much of it is still in that, I just want to touch it up stage, that things never seem to get out of for me.  I did draw another concept for Sword Six.  I put it out on my DeviantArt gallery.  You can check that out here, at Sword Six Concept.

It's just a sketch, but I like the way it came out.

Other than that, there's not much else to tell, so have a great rest of the summer everyone.  And leave me a comment if there's anything you want to see.

Wave Bye To Summer
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Alex Dram
Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Where Bone Be At, Y'all?!?

This Is Me
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Philip Howard
Whoa, where've I been???

You know, it's kind of a funny story.  I'd like to tell it, but I'd just waste a lot of time.  The summer months have been harsh, and I've been trying desperately to keep up with everything all around me, including a busted bathroom pipe from the third to the second floor.  To a hot-water heater that seems to be going south, to my family in super-saver mode for our Disney vacation this September.

That's right!  We're finally biting the bullet, and going to Orlando.  That is, as long as our house doesn't suck away all of our money.  I've been hanging drywall, talking to the plumber, laying tiles and trying to draw and write when I can.  Let me show you what I've done.

I wrote a number of great articles on Squidoo.  Each as diverse as the last.

Hot Summer Beach
The first article I wrote was an homage to the summer months.  It's a lesson in How To Draw a Hot Hot Summer Scene.  Check it out, to see how to draw a beach babe and hunk, on a sandy beach.  Aaaaah, I can her the crashing of the waves.

The second was an exhilarating romp to review the fast paced action anime Attack on Titan.  You know the one I'm talking about.  Everyone is talking about it.  Eren, Mikasa and the other one.  You know.  Anyway, check out Fight To Live On Attack On Titan.

But my biggest one of late is a pre-Halloween extravaganza, in which I give a detailed explanation on how to create your very own sparkle skull Halloween decorations.  There's a ton of designs.  You get to draw them, glue them, sparkle them and hang them.  Go on, and find out how to Create Your Own Sparkle Skull Decoration.

Blue Skeleton Rising For Holiday
Along with that, I have a new skeleton drawing of my own, that I've submitted to my Zazzle store, so that all who would like to check it out, can take a look, and purchase it if they so please.  It's called Skeleton Rising For Holidays.  Please check it out, and let me know what you think.

Many people who know me, know that one of my big goals is to one day create a comic or an animation of a story idea that I have.  Well, I may be just one step closer to that dream.  You see, I've stumbled upon a site that hosts webcomics, Smack Jeeves.

Smack Jeeves offers its authors the ability to submit pages of their comics at will, and in some cases, they offer the ability to print them into booklets.  Some might call these comic books.  Eeeek, I can't wait.  I am steadily trying to get my comic together to begin submitting pages.  I am very excited, although I am working very slowly, because I'm old.  So, hold onto your shorts.  Not literally, because you'll be holding on for a while.

Armored Rifle Girl
Here's someone who went the comic route on his own.  Caroline Toons is going X-Rated all on his or her own.  I can't quite can a handle on this site, or who owns it.  There's no details on that, but I really like the art, and the aesthetic.  It looks great, so I thought I'd promote it.

And finally, for Roku users, and other people fed up with paying for overpriced cable, here's a site to help you find the movies you want for free.  Where to Watch will help you get your TV fix, and more, from movies to TV shows.  It'll show you where to look and how to find it.

Anyway, that's all for now.  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Heating Up Heavy Metal and Pencil Drawing

Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by yarntail
The summer heat is upon us, and it is Memorial Day weekend, for many of us.  It's a good time of years, as schools are letting out, vacations are being planned, and schedules are changing.

One thing this brings out is the barbecue, and later sundowns.  It's great, really.

Anyway, what have you all been up to?  Because, I've been doing quite a bit of drawing, myself.  I have nothing  ready to publish, just yet, but there's a few things I'm excited about on the horizon.

A couple things I am very excited about, are two lenses I wrote over at Squidoo.

Heavy Metal Cover October 2003
Heavy Metal Cover Oct. 2003
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Rene Walter
The truth is, a lot of people may come to realize, I took to drawing later in life.  It was something that was always sort of boiling in the back of my mind, but for some reason, I always had some other priority on my mind.  But do you know what always stuck out to me, a number of animated films.  And one of those was Heavy Metal, an 80's Cult Classic.

Heavy Metal is one of the all-time most amazing cult classic adult animated films.  It's loaded with drugs, sex and mind blowing rock-and-roll.  It's the kind of movie you either love or hate, but either way, you'll remember it.

Pencil Drawing As a Hobby
Pencil Drawing
The other lens I wrote, had a lot to do with my Philosophies in pencil drawing.  As most people know, I took to drawing sometime in 2011, and in that time, I've progressed quite a bit.  I'm obviously no master, but I draw almost everyday, and I've learned a considerable amount, about Pencil Drawing As a Hobby, and I was eager to share what I've learned.

The article is a list of six things that I think many people probably stumble upon, when they are trying to learn to draw, or at least just follow along with a lesson.  It's the kind of thing that people who draw frequently are familiar with, but someone who's just picked up a pencil for the first time, may not know.

A couple other things, I still haven't watched Metal Hurlant Chronicles, although I am still very excited to see it.  It's now available on both Vudu and M-Go, which are services available to Roku customers, but I just haven't had the time to watch it.

I have, however, connected with two of the actors of the show on Twitter and Facebook.  They are M H Rahman and Marem Hassler.  I couldn't tell you which episodes they appear on, but I can't wait to find out.  However, what this does mean, is me and these two people are totally friends, and we could totally get together, like right now, and junk.  I'm serious!

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Awesome Entertainment Without the Hassle!

Playing With Fire
Playing With Fire
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Si Hammond
I feel as though I've let myself down a bit.  I had started on the Squidoo Challenge, which I kept to diligently for two weeks.  But then, tragedy struck.  No, no, not anything for real, just a whole bunch of, waaah, waaaah, you know the drill.  I guess to be perfectly honest, I just didn't want to continue.

It's almost like I was on this super strict diet, and then I ate a doughnut, or something, and that little derailment was all I needed to just say screw it, and fold on the whole thing.  So, I've kind of decided to get back to my old routine, and not try to force anything.  Because, the truth is, I really just started doing Squidoo because, I wanted to promote my drawing, and encourage myself to continue drawing, but the truth was, I was so caught up in trying to keep up with the challenge that I wasn't really getting a chance to draw.

I mean, I have a family, and a full-time job that my boss expects me to show up for every day.  So, I've set my own schedule, which I'm not going to tell you about, so that I don't have to feel bad when I break that.  Anyway, I can at least get back to drawing sometimes, which is what I really want to be doing.

Space Ninjas
Space Ninjas
Along the lines of all the Squidoo business, I did manage to finish another article on How To Draw a Ninja.  I think it turned out really good, and it demonstrates a number of ways to draw three different ninjas.  Or, if you want you can check out the ninjas on a t-shirt at my Zazzle Store.

Along with the ninjas, I updated my How To Draw Breeds Of Cats article with a new cat, a Siamese.  I'm pretty pleased.  I think it turned out great.

One thing that's been on my mind, has been the coming of Metal Hurlant Chronicles to Syfy Channel.  I've been really excited about this, but I still haven't watched it, because I dropped my cable, which you can read about when I Cut the Cable, Go With Roku.  Anyway, because of that, I won't be able to keep up with the series until its completion, and then I can buy it on Amazon, or some other place like that.  I'm really looking forward to it, and I'd love to hear what others are saying about it, who've watched it on Syfy.

Hot Chick
Hot Chick
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Ben Salter
Along these lines, did you know that in the UK, there is something called Now TV, which gives UK Roku users access to several main stream cable channels for only 4.99 Euros?  The cable networks available include Discovery, MTV, Disney and HBO.  Yes, that's right!  In the UK, you can get HBO, that's Game of Thrones without all the bells and whistles of a cable subscription.  Doesn't that just blow your mind?

When will such as service be available in the US?  Never you say?  Come on people!  We need to rise up against the evil cable companies and demand that we have direct access to channels such as HBO and MTV if we want them.  We don't want to pay exorbitant monthly prices on hundreds of channels that include lifetime and oxygen or whatever else you may not really care about.  I mean come on.  What's the deal?  We want Game of Thrones without the hassle!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Keeping It Hot and Heavy Metal

Girl Rocks
Girl Rocks
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License by Iris Laguna
Keep on Keepin On, as Bob Dylan used to say.  I've just completed week two of the Squidoo Challenge.  It has been a little difficult for me, because I had only intended to do Squidoo as a side dealy to help promote all of my other arty stuff.

I did finally achieve my goal of graduating from the Rocket Squids, and don't you know, I was immediately inducted into the Giant Squids.  I am very proud of that, so it kind of re-invigorated my drive to continue writing articles.  Keeping myself going at two-per week for the time being.  I'll keep this up for at least a little while longer.

Akira - Tetsuo
Akira - Tetsuo
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Dale Spencer
That being said, let me tell you about the two articles I wrote this week.  The first was about my all time favorite anime movie.  It's called Akira, Messiah or Nothing?  The article poses the question of the main character Tetsuo, who is weak in a time of terrible distress and corruption.  He's a protagonist and a villain in many regards, who's been given a gift, and when he tries to use it, so many things blow up, it's unimaginable.  Akira is a landmark piece of anime, and if you've never seen it, you should definitely check it out.

Bad To the Boneworld Hot Wings
Bad To the Boneworld Hot Wings
The second article, I wrote this past week, was on my Bad To the Boneworld Hot Wing recipe.  You see, I love me some hot wings, I mean real hot, but the cost of ordering out all the time can add up, so I came up with this simple recipe that anyone can handle.  I'm talking real simple.  I'm no cook.  In fact, anything that involves more than the microwave can befuddle me, at times.  But this recipe, is a no brainer.  It's quick, easy and bone-fide delicious.

On to other news, the countdown to the Syfy Channel debut of Metal Hurlant Chronicles is down to just over two weeks.  April 14, at 8:00PM, and it's on.  Tell me you're not blowing your biscuits over that.  I mean really.  I cannot wait!

Heavy Metal Magazine
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons License Photo by Rae Allen
In the same vein, the Americanized magazine inspired by Metal Hurlant is still alive and well.  You to can get Heavy Metal magazine, in online version or delivered to your door.  Why not check out the art.  It seems they're emphasizing the wild comics rather than just the art, so it's kind of cool.

Something else I've stumbled upon is KR Animations UK, who is a Flash animator who has created some amazing Flash animated games, in record time.  He also offers tutorials, as well as some amazing finished products of what he's done.  It's pretty amazing.  You should check it out.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Out Of the Cold, and Feeling the Warmth!!!

Metal Hurlant
Metal Hurlant
Captain America Girl -- Winter Soldier
Captain America Girl -- The Winter Soldier
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons 
Photo by pinguino k
Yes, it appears to final be rolling into Spring, and how could I be any more pleased with that.  The Winter months were long, and difficult.  I sustained a minor injury to my left hand from all the shoveling I had to do.   But don't worry about me, I'm right handed, and that hand is still fine.

As many people may know, I write articles on Squidoo.  And I most recently decided to take up the Squidoo challenge.  Basically, the Squidoo challenge, was a number of steps laid out by an entrepreneurial young man, named Marc Guberti, who'd like to encourage strong writing and quality articles on Squidoo.

Marc is encouraging Squidoo participants to strengthen the site, and help the site get more hits on Google searches.  His steps are incredibly well thought out, including being active on Squidoo, and liking and commenting on the articles of others.  His other two steps include writing two quality articles a week, and updating three older articles per week.  Each of these steps makes a great deal of sense, and will hopefully bring up the hit-counter on Squidoo.  However, the overall challenge isn't to just increase the hit-counter, but create an environment, where internet searchers cannot avoid Squidoo, by offering better and more quality content.

Boneworld Logo -- Sword 6
Boneworld Logo -- Sword 6
Along with that, I've just finished my first week of doing this, by perusing the site for my favorite articles, and making sure I leave my own personal mark on them to let the writers know what I liked and why.  I also made sure to promote any that really struck me on my very own Facebook page.

I went ahead and updated three of my old articles, and added two new ones, that I believe to be of fairly strong quality.  I added a review called Mass Effect, and Almost All Lost, which is a review of the Mass Effect animated film.  Please check it out if your a fan of animated films or of the Mass Effect games.

How To Draw Breeds Of Cats
How To Draw Breeds Of Cats
I also added another How-To Draw article, called How To Draw Breeds Of Cats.  It shows the step-by-step process of drawing a domestic house cat, as well as a Persian cat.  Right now, it's only those two, but I'll be adding more as I go.

With all that going on, I've had precious little time for anything else.  However, I am keeping a close eye on the count down to Metal Hurlant Chronicles on Syfy Channel.  In case you haven't heard, the heavy metal inspired magazine, Metal Hurlant, has inspired a TV series, that up until now has only been aired in France.  However, on April 14, 2014, at 8:00PM, the episodes will begin to air on Syfy Channel for a much larger audience.  The first night will air two episodes, and each following Monday will see two more, until all 12-episodes have aired.  I am so excited!

Heroes Of the North
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by 5of7
On that note, I've stumbled across an indie TV show, that I'm enjoying, called Heroes Of the North.  I haven't seen many episodes, but what I can tell is, it's a super hero program of specifically Canadien style heroes.  Each hero seems to be inspired by something specifically Canadien.  One is named The Canadien, one is named Fleur-de-Lys, and one is named Nordik.  You get the idea.  It's a low budget indie TV show, with poor acting, dialog, and resources.  But the shows I've seen are pretty cool.  There's adult content and language, and the skin-tight body suits of the heroes doesn't hurt, either.

You can watch Heroes Of the North, on their own website, or on BlackFlag TV.  I believe the episodes are aired on Black Flag every day.  And Black Flag now has a Roku channel, if you have a Roku.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lovely Faces Of Death...And Life, Of Course!?!

Drawing Faces
Drawing Faces
If you were going to take a crack at drawing a face, where would you begin?


You should start at my latest Squidoo article, A Comprehensive Guide To Drawing the Head, which outlines all different variations of drawing the head, including turns, expressions, head tilts, a number of resources, and Preston Blair's phonemes series.

So, there you have it.  But, if you just want the quick and dirty.  Here are all the images I used.

Turning A Head

Male Head Guidelines
Male Head Guidelines
Male Head Features
Male Head Features
Male Head Final
Male Head Final
Female Head Guidelines
Female Head Guidelines
Female Head Features
Female Head Features
Female Head Final
Female Head Final

Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions
Facial Expressions

Facial Variations

Facial Variations
Facial Variations

Preston Blair's Phonemes Series

Preston Blair's Phonemes Series
Preston Blair's Phonemes Series

And, there you have it.  Happy drawing!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Prepping For Saint Paddy's Day and Heavy Metal

Drunken Leprechaun
Drunken Leprechaun
Whoa!!!  It's been some kind of winter, so far, huh?!?

I'm talking crazy snow.  My arms have been exhausted from shoveling--probably because I'm so out of shape, and all.  These string beans can't move mountains.  They were designed for more delicate work.

Anyway, aside from all that, I've been very busy.  I've had a few set backs, but for the most part, things have been going good.

If you're gearing up for Saint Paddy's Day, as I know you are, I pounded out a great How To Draw a Leprechaun article, over at Squidoo.  Click the link to check it out.  If you like that, there's also shirts for sale, over at Boneworld's Zazzle Store, that you can check out, featuring the drunken leprechaun.  Click the links below to check them out.

Get Drunk and Carry On Leprechaun on Zazzle
Get Drunk and Carry On Leprechaun on Zazzle
Cheers Leprechaun
Get Drunk and Carry On Leprechaun

Most people who've read my articles should note that I'm a big fan of anime, and I've written several articles reviewing anime movies, as well as discussing anime topics in depth.  However, the truth is, I've always been more of a fan of American animation and comics.  I wouldn't say I'm any kind of expert on the subject matter, but I am very interested in it.  And because of that, when the option to review a super hero animation came up, I jumped on it.

I reviewed the feature length animated film Ultimate Avengers, in the article Avengers, Bringing Captain America Home.  Click the link to read all about it.

Metal Hurlant
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Alexis Ziritt
Along the same lines of my American animation and comics, is Heavy Metal.  The movie, I mean, that was sort of a skit based drug induced science fiction film.  There were two movies, Heavy Metal and Heavy Metal 2000, and it kind of ended there.  The magazine it was based off of discontinued.

However, in France, where the magazine originated, being called Metal Hurlant Chronicles, they've created a new series of shows based upon the magazine, with the same name.  It's again a skit based series of twelve episodes.  Many people are mildly aware that this show was created, and that it was originally only available in France, but that has all changed, as Syfy channel has bought it, and will air the episodes in April.  Check out the full story on Coming Soon and  This is a great day for anyone who was a fan of the original movies and magazine.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Got Me a Roku!!!

After a good bit of thought, I've finally decided to ditch cable and go for the Roku.  WHAT?!? You've never heard of a Roku?  Well let me tell you a little about it.

A Roku is a magical device that hooks to your TV, that allows you to stream shows over the internet directory to your screen.  You can use the AV cable that comes with it, or buy a HDMI cable, and watch in HD.  These things are great.

Anyway, the Roku offers a number of applications, some free and some not, to stream TV and movies using your existing internet connection.  So, I decided to drop my inflated cable bill, and go with Netflix and Hulu.  I'll probably drop one of them eventually, as I figure out what we like better, but for now, they're only $7.99 each, so it's not such a big thing, just yet.

Roku Channels Screen
Roku Channels Screen
On top of these channels, there are a number of other channels that are free, like US TV Now, Crackle and Nowhere TV.  There's also CNN, ABC, NBC and other networks that offer free streaming on the Roku.  To find more, check out the following links:

2014 Roku Private Channels List on mkvXstream Blog
Roku Private Channels on I Love Roku TV
Roku Private Channels on

Or, you can read my review on Squidoo, called Cut the Cable, Go With Roku.

How To Draw a Woman's Face
How To Draw a Woman's Face
On top of all that, I also updated a couple of step-by-step drawing lessons I wrote on Squidoo, called How To Draw a Man's Face In 9-Steps and How To Draw a Woman's Face In 9-Steps.  I've updated all of the images, using ones that I lined out in Inkscape, rather than sloppy pencil drawn images.  Click the links to check them out.

You can also find the final images in much larger resolution on Boneworld's DeviantArt Gallery.  I'd love to hear what you might think in the comments section.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Purple Stars For Everyone!!!

Purple Star
Purple Star
Wouldn't you know it, I got me another of them Purple Stars.  It seems all those nice folks over at Squidoo must really like me.  I'm not sure what it is, but I got my third Purple Star for Understanding the Genres of Anime.  Click the link to check it out.

It's really a more detailed and pruned down post of the Anime vocabulary I posted on this site, called Making Sense Of an Anime List Of Vocabulary.

You see, I like many people didn't understand anime for a very long time, and I felt the need to discover what it was really about.  Along the way, I discovered that anime wasn't just one thing, it was a plethora of things, and once I identified the major genres of anime, I felt I needed to share my vast knowledge.  And there you have it--Purple Star!

This brings my total for Purple Stars up to THREE!  My other chosen articles are I Wish I Could Draw and My Art Gallery.  Click the links to view them.

If you're unaware of what Squidoo is, it's really a place for writers, like me and possible you, to find a voice, and let it be heard to as many people as possible, while making a little bit of money.  Squidoo is a highly visible unified blog that many people in all different areas of interest are using to build an online reputation.  Squidoo is much like any other blog, but it offers a more unified movement, so the strength of the voices of those that have written before can carry those new comers to find more readers than they otherwise would.  This is the real benefit to Squidoo.  So, if you have something to write about, and you think Squidoo might be for you, why not start a Squidoo account today.

Otherwise, if you'd like to take a look at some more of my work, please check out Boneworld on DeviantArt.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Angry Birds Love Anime, Maybe???

Angry (Love) Birds
Angry (Love) Birds
Photo Credit: Drawn By Me in Inkscape
Check it out!  So, there I was, trying to find the perfect thing to combine drawing and Valentine's Day, and nothing came to mind--I mean nothing, zilch.  But I didn't give up.  I scoured the interwebs, like a maniac, and all I came upon were love birds.  Now, love birds are fine, if you're normal, but not if you're me, so I kept going, until I finally had a brain fart.

The opposite of love birds, are Angry Birds!?!

And the idea was born.  I'd create an article on How To Create an Angry Birds Valentine's Day Card.  Isn't that sweet, a personalized love birds type card for your sweety, with Red Bird and Female Red Bird in an intimate snuggle.  Go on and click the link, if you want more details.  But, if you want Angry Birds, click their link instead.

Black Lagoon - Revy
Black Lagoon - Revy
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Joriel Jimenez
Toonami is quickly becoming my favorite thing ever.  If you don't know what that is, it's really a time slot on Adult Swim on Saturday nights, from 11:30PM to 6:00AM, and it's just loaded with some awesome anime.  I know it's late, but it's totally worth it, and you can just DVR it, and watch later.

The latest show is Space Dandy, and I've loved the episodes, so far.  It's incredibly creative.  But Toonami is already stating that in March, the lineup will be changing, yet again.  This time, Soul Eater (which I dislike), is being replaced by the show Black Lagoon.  Everything I've read about Black Lagoon includes the words bullets, blood and babes, along with adult action, so I'm pretty pumped for this.  It's due to start March 22, 2014.  So, it's still a couple months away, but coming up soon.  I believe there will be a few other changes to the lineup, as well, but this is the only show I'm aware of right now.

Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Lord Ketchup
While we're on the topic of anime, I stumbled across a list of the Top 10 Horror Anime.  I don't know most of the titles on the list, but a few of them are doozies, like Death Note, Devil May Cry, Berserk and Blood+.  The movie in the number one spot is a great one, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.  And, if you click the link, you can stream an English dubbed version of the full movie from YouTube.  It's great!

Finally, I wanted to call some attention to a blog I occasionally follow, called Galaxy Zento.  It's written by a guy named David Wilde, who uses each post as another part in his fantasy universe story, which includes elements of fantasy, sci-fi and magic.  I believe he does his own art, and he's in talks with an agent for a novel consideration.

I don't keep completely up to date with his stories, but I read them when I have time.  One thing that stuck out for me, was his bio states he's an advocate for autism research, and after some digging, I discovered he himself is dealing with autism.  I was about to write that he is suffering from autism, but he's married, has four children, and is a writer, so I'm thinking he's overcoming it, instead of suffering from it.  Check out David Wilde's Google Plus, by clicking the link.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Remember Heavy Metal Magazine? It's Coming Back!!!

Heavy Metal Magazine

Heavy Metal Magazine
Heavy Metal Magazine
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Rene Walter
I've been a fan of animation and comics for years.  In fact, many years.  And I can tell you, one of my all-time favorite animated films was Heavy Metal, the movie.  I just loved it, the wild art, the risque material, the epic battles, and the episodic nature of each of the stories woven around the Lok-Nar.  I've watched it probably two-dozen times.  I own the DVD, and I could watch it almost every night of the week, if I had time.

So, anyway, the movie is based upon a comic magazine, called Heavy Metal, which was based upon a French version, called Metal Hurlant.  Well, I just learned that Heavy Metal magazine sold, to relaunch as bigger brand.  Click the link to read all about it.

To me, this is very exciting news.  Heavy Metal magazine redefined art, and what was acceptable, and what was exceptional.  It was more a movement than a magazine, spawning two movies in its time, and launching the careers of some if the greatest film makers, and graphic artists there are in recent years.

Metal Hurlant Chronicles

Metal Hurlant Magazine
Metal Hurlant Magazine
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Alexis Ziritt
On top of the Heavy Metal news, has anyone every heard of Metal Hurlant Chronicles?  Well, it's a TV series on France, that was based upon the original French version of the magazine.  And it will soon be beginning its second season.

I can't even believe season one is over, because it still hasn't made its way to America, even though it was filmed in English, and has some big North American stars, like Michael Jai White, Joe Flanigan and Matt Mullins, also  including the likes of Rutger Hauer, Michelle Ryan and Kelly Brooke.

To read more about it, as well as see the trailer, check out the productions companies website, WE Productions.  Or, check out Metal Hurlant Chronicles on Facebook.

Game of Thrones

On top of all that, if you're a Game of Thrones fan, and why wouldn't you be, season four begins, on April 6, on HBO, and you can see the Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer, here.  It looks like it's going to be another epic season.


Space Dandy
Space Dandy
Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Danny Choo
Toonami's been busy as well, now three weeks into the latest season on Adult Swim.  The latest show, Space Dandy, has been absolutely amazing.  The colorful character, wild stories, precise animation and wonderful fan service, have been just about the best ever.  I can't wait each week to see the latest episode.  It really is entertaining, if you haven't already seen it.  To see some pics, check out Toonami on Tumblr or get into a discussion on Toonami's Reddit account.  Otherwise, check out the line up every Saturday night on adult swim between 11:30PM and 6:00AM.  I know it's late, but just DVR it, like me.  It's worth it.

Polypore, An Independent Film

I also wanted to give a heads up on an independent science fiction thriller, called Polypore that I just stumbled upon.  You can find out more about it on the Polypore homepage, as well as take a look at the trailer.  The home page and the trailer don't give away too much, other than that it's a science fiction thriller, with deep characters, with telepathy and teleportation, but it looks interesting none-the-less.  You can rent the entire film for $1.99.